Quality Without Fail
With us, you move in safe waters. The safety of our products lies close to our hearts. For customer satisfaction is not only a question of price but also quality. Therefore, latest quality management plays an important role in Inspirion. Before we add a product to our portfolio, we test it with a precision that reaches all the way to Asia.
The colleagues in our purchasing offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong are in close contact with quality control staff and suppliers. Inspections as needed take place before, during, and after production. Furthermore, there are routine controls before every shipment. Finally, our purchasers in the Sottrum head office assure themselves of the quality of the imported goods.
The colleagues in our purchasing offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong are in close contact with quality control staff and suppliers. Inspections as needed take place before, during, and after production. Furthermore, there are routine controls before every shipment. Finally, our purchasers in the Sottrum head office assure themselves of the quality of the imported goods.